This is a very simple password verification code. But it is very effective.

Step 1: First we take a user input. That is a test password.
Step 2: Call a function to verify the password
Step 3: Verify the returns of the function

Step 1:

passwd = raw_input(“Enter a Test Password:”)
raw_input takes a string type user input.

step 2:

Let’s call a function named passwordverify and it takes a parameter pw1.

def passwordverify(pw1):

We need the length of the password, because we need to loop through each character.

pw_len = len(pw1)

Then, we define 04 variables. Each represents a type of character we use in the password.

char_uc = 0   #for uppercase characters
char_lc = 0   #for lowercase characters
char_nm = 0   #for numeric characters
char_sp = 0   #for special characters

Next, we take all the possible characters under above categories. They are seperated by white spaces.
The function ‘split()’ will break the character set into a list of groups at each white space.

charsets = ‘ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890 !@$%^&*()_-+={}[]|\,.></?~`\:;’.split()

Now let’s check availability of each character in our test password with compared to above character groups.

for i in range(pw_len):

if pw1[i] in charsets[0]:
char_uc = 1
if pw1[i] in charsets[1]:
char_lc = 1
if pw1[i] in charsets[2]:
char_nm = 1
if pw1[i] in charsets[3]:
char_sp = 1

If a character in test password is matched with any of the character in character group, the four variables (char_uc, char_lc, char_nm and char_sp) are manipulated.
I have used number 1 to manipulate the four variables (char_uc, char_lc, char_nm and char_sp).

If all type of characters are found in the test password then char_uc + char_lc + char_nm + char_sp should be 4.

if ((char_uc + char_lc + char_nm + char_sp) > 3):
return 5 #return anything you want; Just to say OK

Then, if the char_uc + char_lc + char_nm + char_sp is not 4, that means there is a lack of a character type.
In that case, we can return an appropreate value to identify which group of characters are missing from your test password.

elif ((char_uc + char_lc + char_nm + char_sp) < 4):
if (char_uc == 0):
return 0
if (char_lc == 0):
return 1
if (char_nm == 0):
return 2
if (char_sp == 0):
return 3

Step 3:

In this step you can use what the function returns to notify the user what type of characters are missing in the test
password.(Or everything is fine)

if (pw_verify!=5): #If not equal what the function returns when everything is OK
print “No Upper Case Characters”
print “No Lower Case Characters”
print “No Numeric Characters”
print “No Special Characters”
print “Password OK”

That’s all. You can download the code here. (You better code it yourself.)

Password Verification in Python 2

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