First of all you need to install python and OpenCV on your computer. As editor I will use IDLE.
(of cause you no that, do you?)
Now let’s start programming. Open IDLE and take a new file.
Import opencv library
import cv2
Then we use a camera (I used the webcam of my computer)
cap = cv2.VideoCapture(0)
We use a suitable codec. If you are not familiar with codecs I suggest you to google for some information.
We assign a variable fourcc, and this part (‘m’,’p’,’4′,’v’) indicate that it is a mp4 video. If you want to xvid video then use, fourcc =*’XVID’).
fourcc =‘m’,’p’,’4′,’v’)
Now we set up the writer.
output = cv2.VideoWriter(‘output.avi’,fourcc, 20.0, (640,480))
Here, the output.avi is the output file. The 20.0 value indicates the frame rate and (640,480) is the frame width and height in pixels.
Now we start looping.
We read frame by frame and write them to create the video file output.avi
_, frame =
simultaneously we can watch whats going on in video.
While writing the video file we can break it in any point with the press of ESC key .
k = cv2.waitKey(5) & 0xFF
if k == 27:
Finally make sure to release all.
Save the file Run —> Run Module Or hit F5. Download the python file Here.